
"Bec doux" was developed to help mothers who have trouble in administering syrup to infants. We receive a great deal of feedback from our customers such as "It is very helpful and convenient." and "My child is willing to take medicine with this cup."

uEasy to administerv
As "Bec doux" makes it possible to administer distasteful syrup in such a way that it does not come into contact with the taste buds for tasting bitterness, it prevents choking.
uAccurate measuringv

It is the most accurate measuring instrument for syrup at present. (Refer to the data by Prof. Ojima of Mie University.)
uEasy measuringv
The scale is on the inside cylinder, it is possible to read it while the instrument is in the medicine bottle. However, a normal syringe has its scale on the outside cylinder, making it necessary to take it out of the medicine bottle for reading the scale.
uAccurate administrationv
It is possible to administer almost all of the desired amount of syrup without spilling, since it is accurately measured. (Refer to the data by Mie University.)
uSafe and hygienical administrationv
"Bec doux" has no projection to hurt the mouth cavity. Moreover, it is made of 100% plastic produced by united-molding; therefore it is unlikely to be contaminated.

™Other advantages and features
œSafety As it has no projection at the top, it is impossible to attach an injection needle. For this reason, there is no fear that it should be ill-used as a syringe.
œReliability It is widely used in European countries.
œDisposal It is included in household commodities under Japanese law and it does not require medical disposal. It can be disposed of as plastic garbage.

yHow to Usez
1. Put Bec doux in a medicine bottle and pull the inside cylinder up to the scale of the indicated amount.
2.Hold the infant on your lap and say, "Ah" with a smile. It is recommended that you hold the child the same way as you do when breastfeeding, because it is relaxing for both of you.
3. Insert Bec doux into his/her mouth and slowly inject syrup inside the cheek. This prevents choking because it minimizes the amount of syrup that touches the taste buds for tasting bitterness and prevents vomiting as well as stimulating the lactation instinct and promoting deglutition.

To purchase:
@Ask at your nearby pharmacy, pediatrician's office or other medical facility.
@If not available, send us an inquiry with your address by E-mail .